Jim Rosenberg

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Installation of Diffractions through

This web page marks the first Internet release of Diffractions through, in a cross-platform version that should run on a wide variety of systems, including Windows, Macintosh, and Linux. Diffractions through was originally published by Eastgate Systems, but the rights have been returned to the author. The version available here is nearly identical in function to the original. It is available in two packagings: “all-in-one” and “image file”. Most readers will probably want to download the all-in-one version. This is a single zip file, which will run on Windows, Macintosh, and Linux. The image file is a Squeak image which will run on any system that already has a Squeak virtual machine installed (compatible with Squeak 4.3 or later). Squeak is open source software licensed under the Apache and MIT licenses.

Diffractions through does not currently “play” in the browser. However, installation is quite simple, and does not have any side-effects, such as registry settings on Windows.

Installation Instructions:

1. Download the file Diffractions_through.zip (26M).

2. Unzip to a directory of your choice.

3. What you do from here depends on your Operating System:

You should have a folder called Diffractions_through.app in the directory into which you unzipped Diffractions_through.zip. Double-click the icon for this folder. You should now have an icon for


Double-click this icon. Diffractions through should launch.

Macintosh: (OS X)
You should have an icon called Diffractions through in the folder where you unzipped Diffractions_through.zip. Double-click this icon. Diffractions through should launch.

Change to the directory into which you unzipped Diffractions_through.zip. You should have a directory there called Diffractions_through.app. Change to this directory. Execute


(preferably in the background). Diffractions through should launch.

In case of trouble, please E-mail me.